
Inflammation and atherothrombosis: hot or not?

Slides (presentatie) - 9 nov. 2011

Inflammation and atherothrombosis – hot or not?

Prof. Erik Stroes– Internal specialist
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Cardiovascular Exchange Summit 2011

Extra-vascular inflammatory drive

Acute to Chronic inflammation

Atherosclerosis: fat accumulation in macrophages

Atheroma destabilisation


Inflammation and coagulation

Inflammatory markers and CV-risk

LDL lowering in JUPITER

CRP lowering in JUPITER

Treatment of CID

Treatment of CID lowers risk

Even short-term MMF lowers plaque inflammation

Central role for macrophages

Plaque inflammation: Value of PET scanning

FDG Uptake: Modulation by Therapy

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[Statin]-rHDL slows atherosclerosis progression

Liposomal vs systemic prednisolon

Experimental model

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