
Cardiovasculair risico wereldwijd verminderen

Literatuur - Smith SC Jr, Collins A, Ferrari R, et al. - EHJ. 2012 Sep 17. - Eur Heart J. 2012 Sep 17.

Our time: A call to save preventable death from cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke).

Writing Committee:, Smith SC Jr, Collins A, Ferrari R, et al.
Eur Heart J. 2012 Sep 17. De CVD Taskforce paper kan worden gedownload in de tijdschriften Global Heart, Circulation, European Heart Journal, en  Journal of the American College of Cardiology.


Hart-en vaatziekten zijn de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak in de wereld, goed voor bijna de helft van alle sterfgevallen door niet-overdraagbare aandoeningen (non-communicable diseases, NCDs). Eerder dit jaar heeft de World Health Assembly een wereldwijde doelstellingvastgesteld om vroegtijdige sterfte door NCDs te verminderen met 25% tegen het jaar 2025.

Nu heeft de Global Cardiovascular Disease Taskforce, waaronder vertegenwoordigers van de World Heart Federation, de American Heart Association, de American College of Cardiology Foundation, de European Heart Network en de European Society of Cardiology, een reeks agressieve maatregelen voorgesteld om het doel te bereiken.


Overheden en medische groepen wordt gevraagd om vier wereldwijde doelstellingen aan te nemen:
  • Verminder de prevalentie van onvoldoende lichamelijke activiteit met 10%
  • Verminder de prevalentie van hypertensie met 25%
  • Verminder zout / natrium inname met 30%, met als doel het bereiken van de aanbevolen hoeveelheid van minder dan 5 g / dag
  • Verminder de prevalentie van roken met 30%

De Taskforce sprak steun uit voor het stoppen van de toename van obesitas en vermindering van de inname van (overmatig) verzadigd vet, cholesterol en alcohol. Het gebruik van medicijnen om MI en beroerte te voorkomen moet worden verhoogd.


Het aantal mensen met hart-en vaatziekten neemt toe en de gevolgen ervan worden onevenredig gevoeld door mensen in de ontwikkelingslanden, waar mensen jonger sterven. Nu is er de unieke kans om de stijging tegen te gaan met gecoördineerde internationale actie die landen zal helpen de vermijdbare oorzaken van hart-en vaatziekten aan te pakken.

Persbericht van de AHA:

Cardiovascular disease community calls for tougher targets to curb global risk
September 17, 2012
Leaders in cardiovascular disease prevention and control publish paper calling for urgent action to reduce premature mortality by 25 per cent by 2025

Geneva, 18 September 2012 –
Agreement by governments, by the end of 2012, on a set of ambitious global targets to curb the growing scourge of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which includes cardiovascular disease (CVD; heart disease and stroke), is critical to avoiding the millions of premature deaths worldwide. This, according to a new paper published by the Global Cardiovascular Disease Taskforce a group of eminent experts who represent five leading heart-health organizations.

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the second ever United Nations High-Level Meeting on a health-related issue – NCDs – the Taskforce is calling on governments and the CVD community to accelerate progress on the commitments made at this landmark event by supporting 10 evidence- based targets. CVD is the leading cause of death worldwide, killing 17.3 million people a year and making up nearly half of the 36 million NCD deaths.  Around 80 per cent of these deaths are in low- and middle-income countries where human and financial resources are most limited to address them. The number of CVD deaths is expected to rise to 23.6 million by 2030.

As a first step, a global target to reduce premature deaths from NCDs, 25 per cent by 2025 was agreed at the 65th World Health Assembly in Geneva this past May. However, as the Global CVD Taskforce suggests, additional targets developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) are key to achieving this overarching goal. These include curbing physical inactivity, tobacco consumption, salt intake and hypertension.
“The number of people with CVD is growing and its impact is disproportionately felt by those in the developing world, where people die younger; we now have the opportunity of a lifetime to stem its rise with concerted international action that will help countries tackle the preventable causes of CVD,” said Dr Sidney C. Smith, Jr (World Heart Federation President and Chair of the writing group).

“Cardiovascular disease risk can be lowered by public policies that help people to make healthier choices. This set of robust targets can focus governments’ efforts on this vital task and make progress measurable,” said Dr Ralph Sacco, Past President of the American Heart Association.
“In addition to policies that aid in prevention, it is also paramount that those living with CVD and at risk of developing CVD have access to prevention and rehabilitation services, including affordable and simple medical treatments”, said Dr Hans Stam, President of the European Heart Network.

With CVD costing governments nearly US$863 billion globally, the Taskforce recommends the uptake of a set of interventions designed by the WHO and designated as “best buys” – cost-effective treatments that can be delivered regardless of the income level of a country. These include the widespread adoption of multidrug therapies that could save nearly 18 million lives over a 10-year period, at a cost of just over a dollar a day.

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