
Management van diabetes & ACS-cardiovasculair perspectief

Slides (presentatie) - 7 dec. 2011

Management van diabetes & ACS - Cardiovasculair perspectief

Deze presentatie is gehouden door
Dr. Jan Hein Cornel, cardioloog
Medisch Centrum Alkmaar

tijdens het WCN congres op 24 november 2011

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Management van diabetes & ACS-Cardiovasculair perspectief

Diabetes is……….

role of the A1C assay in the diagnosis of diabetes

Diabetes Risk for Early MI Mortality


Adverse Cardiometabolic Effects of Visceral Adipocytes

Natuurlijk beloop van type 2 Diabetes

Insulin Resistance

T2DM Exacerbates Vascular Wall Disease

Chronic Diabetes Consequences

Intensive Glycemic Control and CVD Outcomes

Early vs Late Glycaemic Intervention

Mortality in ACS : Diabetes vs no Diabetes

Impact of Revascularization: Euro-Heart Survey


choice of revascularization strategy in diabetic patients.

PLATO diabetes

Primary endpoint


Reduction in risk (%)

diabetes mellitus as independent predictor of drug-eluting stent thrombosis.

Hyperglycaemie & mortaliteit bij AMI

Major Trials of GIK in AMI

Glycemia Focus Strategy


Relationship between LDL-C and CV Event Rate

Major Vascular Events

Risk of Coronary Death or Myocardial Infarction

Recommendations for Treatment Targets for LDL-C

the STENO-2 Study – 13 Years of Follow-up


Ten important recommendations

Ten important recommendations

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